The Load Game option uses the latest ARP file requester and seems bomb proof Chess Player 2150 games are compatible but the opening libraries it has "learned" are not. The right mouse button now brings the title bar up immediately, without the mouse pointer freezing then jerking all over the screen. The menus are improved, with a less crowded layout and a few hot keys - for example, Amiga-I instead of the space bar to bring up the information screen - making them look like Amiga menus. There are a host of minor ones, the most noticeable being that the main screen is green instead of blue - the graphics are exactly the same as those in Chess Player 2150 - and that the last few moves are displayed on the 2D board. In all cases the lines, as you would expect, are much deeper - I have seen several up to 25(!) moves long.

This is the only opening library you can alter. There are no mysterious codes or dodgy text editors, the "user book" being a plain Ascii file in the format "e2e4 b7b6.", which can be edited with any PD text editor. In addition, the computer "learns" any lines it has not previously encountered, storing them in a file, and you can type ay openings you want it to know into another file. Individual openings can be selected according to strength, popularity and name, and you can interrupt the computer's thoughts, forcing it to play the line you want. The opening library has been extended threefold to over 300,000 bytes. OPENINGS were Chess Player 2150's weakest point, and Chess Champion 2175 remedies this in the most decisive manner.

If you are determined or stubborn, moves can now be entered straight from the keyboard. The pieces can also be forced to jump directly to the square chose, eliminating that graceful but oh-so-slow sliding motion. The upshot is that you almost always need just one or two clicks on the same square to move a piece - no more clicking, dragging, wondering where the piece has gone and so on. The second results in the most likely piece being chose to move to a square attacked by two ore more pieces - this can easily be overridden. The first means that if you click a square attacked by one piece, the piece will immediately move to that square. "Fast Moves" and "Intuitive" are the phrases to note. IN October last year I called Chessmaster 2000 "the best Amiga chess program", despite a few niggles - yet CP Software proved they listen to criticism by making the best even better, cand calling it Chess Champion 2175.Īfter 10 years of micro chess programs, somebody has at last found the simplest and best way to move the pieces.